The ultimate holistic therapy, the flower remedies discovered by Dr. Edward Bach in the late in 1920s and 30s are a safe, natural way of dealing with the negative emotions that he believed are a cause of disease. This accessible guide reveals the secrets of the "twelve healers"--the plants that formed the basis of Bach's observations--and the further twenty-six remedies that he went on to discover. Drawing on the innate healing powers of specific wild flowers, the remedies help individuals balance their emotions. Learn to use these simple, effective remedies and enable your emotions to flow freely and positively once more. Here is an exciting new series focused on today's most popular healing approaches and spiritual insights. Presented in a clear, concise format, the Secrets of Series demystifies popular alternative approaches and teaches proper application, providing a perfect balance of theory and practice. Perfect for new or casual readers, these handbooks are simple to follow yet thorough and authoritative. Covering a wide range of topics, they appeal to readers from every background.
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