The purest form of honey straight form the beehives hidden in the deep forests of the Himalayas across the Jammu and Kashmir. The honey in this bottle is the pure essence of flower nectar collected by our beekepers. Uses of Honey - a) Honey for weight Loss 1.Boil a glass of water and let it cool until it’s warm. 2.Add 2-3 spoons of Honey. Stir well till it dissolves. 3.Squeeze 1/2 a lemon into this mixture. 4.Stir this drink well and drink up. b) Honey and the heart It is recommended to take honey before going to bed, a glass of water with honey and lemon juice in it, and also to take it when awakening at night. Traditional ayurvedic experts recommend honey for cardiac pain and palpitation of the heart. c) Honey and oral diseases 1.Every morning rinse your mouth with lukewarm water and two teaspoons honey to treat your gum infection 2.Apply a mixture of lemon and honey on gums to reduce the infection and give relief to it. 3.Or just simply massage honey on gums for 10 minutes every morning. You will spot a significant difference in your gum infection. d) Honey and skin Mix three parts honey and one part freshly ground or pure cinnamon and warm the mixture slightly using the microwave. Apply to your skin and leave the mixture on for 8 to 10 minutes. Rinse off completely using warm water and pat your skin dry.. e) Honey and irritating coughs To use honey to treat a cough, mix 2 teaspoons (tsp) with warm water or an herbal tea. Drink this mixture once or twice a day. f) Honey and anemia Honey is good against anemia. If you consume a little bit of honey in warm water on a daily basis, you will see, the red blood cell count will gradually go up. g)Honey in eyes side effects 1.Start by boiling 1 cup of water and 5 teaspoons of honey, stirring well. 2.Let the mixture cool down completely. 3.You can use this mixture as an eyewash, or use a sterilized eyedropper to put into your eyes directly.
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