Blockchain The Database Revolution that Will Change the World! Become part of the technological revolution that is predicted to be bigger than the Internet! What this book will teach you about Blockchain Technology If you have heard the phrase blockchain thrown around in one context or another but still aren’t quite sure just what is being discussed exactly, don’t feel bad you are certainly not alone. The truth of the matter is that despite the fact that it has been around for less than a decade the phrase blockchain already means different things to different people. Currently, when a person is talking about blockchain, odds are they are talking about it in relation to crypto currencies in general or possibly in connection with bitcoin specifically as this was where the technology got its start. Additionally, these days you will likely hear the phrase in conjunction with that of smart contracts on an increasingly regular basis. If all that didn’t really do much to make the whole situation any clearer, then you are better off finding out more information from Blockchain: The Database Revolution That Will Change the World! While blockchain is still such a relatively new technology that its true potential has not yet been ascertained, that hasn’t stopped analysts from all sectors from jumping on it ravenously and declaring it the most important technology since the internet itself. Despite the fact that if you are not familiar with blockchain then these claims sound quite farfetched, the short answer is that yes, blockchain is likely going to change the world in your lifetime, it just isn’t quite there yet. What this means is that you still have time to become an early adopter of the technology, but only if you act quickly. Inside you will find everything you need to understand just what a blockchain is and the multitude of ways it can change your life for the better. If you have ever dreamed about being able to simultaneously store information around the world or automate a host of binary functions on a major scale, then blockchain is for you. The nature of a blockchain database means that major players in every industry are already hard at work determining how this technology can be put to work for them, don’t miss out, buy this book today and be a blockchain leader instead of a follower. In This Book You Will Learn. • A complete breakdown of what blockchain is an how it is used to create smart contracts • The differences between smart contracts and traditional contracts and how they can work together • What blockchain has to do with crypto currencies like bitcoin and Ethereum • The difference between centralized databases and blockchain databases including when you will want to stick with the status quo • The easiest ways to determine if a blockchain database will help your company or simply cost it money • A comprehensive list of tools to make creating your own smart contracts, and even blockchains, as painless as possible • Common mistakes that prevent users from implementing blockchain successfully • Easy ways to test your smart contracts and even interact with them via your smart phone Buy this book today and be a blockchain leader instead of a follower. Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!
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