Includes 50 Wedding Advice Cards for the Bride and Groom. Size is 4.5" x 6.5". Can be used for a bridal shower or for the wedding reception. The title reads "Advice & Well Wishes for the Bride and Groom". There are five fill in the blank writing prompts for guests that read: "The secret to making marriage_________ is to always ___________. For a great date night go _________. Keep your sense of humor when ___________. Always tell each other ___________. May the both of you ___________. " The last line gives guests a place to sign their name and reads "With Love & Best Wishes from: _________." These wedding advice cards have a double intertwined heart design at the top and floral swirl decorations around the edges. The back of the card has the floral decoration around the bottom with a double heart design, but the rest of the backside of blank, leaving plenty of room for guests to write a personal note if they wish. The cards are printed on white card stock with the floral swirls and words written in purple. These are ideal for couples who are using purple in their wedding colors. Use these as a fun bridal shower activity game or use at the wedding reception so guests can write a lasting keepsake message to the newlyweds. The bride and groom will appreciate reading all the advice and well wishes from friends and family.
3 weeks ago
1 week ago