WHAT RANDOM MEANS Q: How random it is?A: It's random. You will get 10 pieces from all shown in the pictures, and not only shown in the picture but also including many other variations. Full of surprises, that's the charm of randomness! Q: Only a few pieces i want. Are the pieces in the photo guaranteed? A: It's selected by random from all shown in the pictures. They are all colorful and cute, you will love these little things! Q: Is there 2 of each or any? A: No, each unique. 5 kinds in one package, and there are totally 200+ kinds of patterns in the whole random pool. Q: What patterns do they? A: YellowCult's Assorted patches collection means no one can tell which patches you will be getting, but you will be getting from the collection mentioned in the name and pictures. If someone tells you the design you will get, don't believe them, as that's not what random means. Have some trust in our choice, our whole design collection is cool and matches the Theme name in the Title.
4 days ago
1 day ago