A best seller around the world. One of the best selling soy wax brands in the world (if not the best!). Due to its relatively low melting point (113°-119°), the wax is beautifully creamy and smooth as it melts. Definitely a favorite of soy candle makers everywhere! We believe in sustainability. Plant-based waxes are a completely natural and renewable resource and the preferred choice in the journey toward sustainability. This reliable supply source provides a long list of environmental advantages, including but not limited to the wax being: Non-toxic, Biodegradable, Clean burning, Completely free of animal-derived substances. PROPERTIES: Max Fragrance - 10% or 1.6oz./lb. Melt Point - 113-119°F. Wax Type - Natural Soy Wax Flakes. Pour temp - 135°F (+/- 5°)Applications - Container / TealightProp 65 Warning Required - No. Our products come with 100% SATISFACTION and MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.
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