When you have to be compelled to suspend massive quantities of merchandise wherever it'll be simple for them to catch your customers’ eyes and permit them to flick through their offerings, this 40-hook black economical floor display for hanging merchandise is the perfect solution for you.5 tiers give your products a crisp and fantastic presentation, allowing you to show off a variety of products from jewelry to toys or candy, earrings, necklaces, key chains, pendants, socks, etc.Its 5.5”inches long hooks are ideal for holding packages up to 4”inch wide, but at the outer edge of the hooks, packages up to 6.75” wide will fit easily.This floor display has 5 decks. A snap-open wire base, including wire sign holder. It measures 63” inch high and has a 17” inch spinning diameter. This product will hold a maximum load of 45 lbs.Overall Height x Width x Depth is 63"H x 25"W x 25" Deep. Base Dimensions (L x W) are 25" x 25"(inches) in Black Color.Features - Rotating, Ships compactly and has hanging space on hook by 5.5" with Steel Material Tube & Wire which can bear Max burden of 20 KGs.Merchandise Width is 4"inch with 40 number of hooks and number of level are 5. Can be Placed on Floor or Ground. Spinning Diameter is 17.25" inch which has Light-Duty Series Tube along Diameter of 0.75" inch. Item ID - 85-145-5EE3.
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago