1. Description FissaiD allows the use to write up to three type low frequency(125kHz) RFID keycards/keyfobs(H-ID,AW-ID,EM-ID) with intended UID number, or duplicate an existing card. Advantage: 1: Supports H-ID,AW-ID,EM-ID low frequency 125KHz proximity card 2: Read-Copy Function, simplest to duplicate ALL 125KHz H-ID/AW-ID/EM-ID 1326/1346/1386/ISO/Prox cards 3: Programmer Function, encode intended UID number onto rewritable keycards/keyfobs from FissaiD 2. Feature: -Work with Windows software only -Allows the use to copy 3 type RFID credentials(125kHz) -Allows the use to write FC & number onto rewritable cards/fobs from FissaiD -USB HID device no driver is requested, plug and play Windows software DL http://www.fissaid.cn/programmer" This Writer suppor Fissaid Card only [***if want write 5577 chip,buy EHACP-Pro, ASIN:B0BCYRSLSF, EHACP-Pro support 5577 chip and 26/30/32/33/34/35/36/37 bit format***] -Not support Cards:125K ProLite,Indala and All 13.56M Cards -Rewritable fobs/cards ASIN: B0BCZFVGXF/B07QFM15TX 3. Package includes: -1x EHACP-WR -5x fobs -5x card -1x USB cable SPECIAL ATTENTION: Few client asked refund due to misunderstanding the product, before ordering, pls. take note: .Not support ProLite,Indala & All 13.56M Cards and not support to write other 3rd part fobs .Writer work with pc software only, try to install software before ordering, if you can't install the software, pls. don't order. if you just want to copy card, order New handhold copier,ASIN: B0CGJN49LR, no software is requested .I'm seveving client with good product & getting small business on line. No sense return of the product is making the Professional product goes to rubbish! due to all returns will be destoried by .THIS PROGRAMMER DO NOT WRITE ANY OTHER CARDS EXCEPT CARD FROM FISSAID
1 week ago
5 days ago