Try it. Soak your feet, 30 minutes a day, relax all day!Taken from natural herbs, dried and artificially screened, the stems, leaves, or flowers of the herbs are preserved, and no chemical substances are added.12 kinds of natural herbs, carefully selected, scientific formula, no powder. It can not only improve your health, but also promote aerobic breathing, so as to better enhance your resistance.It can not only improve your health, but also promote aerobic breathing, so as to better enhance your resistance.Instructions: 1. Take a bag and put it into the foot scrubber. Add about 55- 75 ounces of boiling water and soak for 5-10 minutes to separate the essential oil from the herb2. Then add appropriate warm water, the water depth reaches about 2/3 of the calf, the water temperature reaches about 45 degrees, put the feet into the foot bath and start to soak. 3. Soak about 20-30 minutes each time until your body relaxes. 4. Dry your feet directly, keep warm.天然取材自天然草本植物,經曬乾和人工篩選,保留草本植物的莖,葉,或者花,不添加任何化學物質,傳統中藥真材實料看得見,拒絕不明確的泡腳粉草本養生祛除寒濕,促進血液循環,更適合冬季暖身。也可放鬆,改善睡眠和腳氣。長期草本泡腳,可以改善關節疼痛,防治感冒配方12味中藥;艾草,老薑,桂枝,伸筋草,夜交藤,陳皮,益母草,黃芪,黨參,桑枝,紅花,雞血藤;精選崑崙陳年艾草輔以多種種草藥科學配比而成。足量1袋30小包,每包30g, 中藥總淨重900g, 足夠日常使用或者家庭使用用法把藥包放開水浸泡或者煮10分鐘。水溫到40度左右即可泡腳。每次泡腳宜20分鐘左右
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