The ultimate strainer for floor sinks and other applications. Once installed, your floor sinks and floor drains are protected from unnecessary back-ups and other drainage issues caused by unwanted debris getting into drain lines and causing stoppages. PermaDrain® is a simple and smart solution for your food service business. It protects your drain lines and give you peace of mind, knowing that there will be far fewer drain problems interrupting your business. The PermaDrain® will deter an employee or cleaning crew from removing strainers during cleanup, which allows unwanted items in the drain system. By making the wise choice of installing PermaDrain®, you are investing in future savings by spending less on drain cleaning charges. PermaDrain® is a simple and smart solution for your food service business. It protects your drain lines and give you peace of mind, knowing that there will be far fewer drain problems interrupting your business. The PermaDrain® will deter an employee or cleaning crew from removing strainers during cleanup, which allows unwanted items in the drain system. By making the wise choice of installing PermaDrain®, you are investing in future savings by spending less on drain cleaning charges.
2 months ago
2 months ago