"Auric Blends Amber Roll-OnAuric Blends ★ The Product Women in Ancient Egypt valued perfume as much as society does today. These fragrances created an appeal and fascination that made daily life more pleasurable. Being considered by many the birthplace of the perfume industry, it is only natural to pay homage to the history by bringing the name of Egypt into Auric Blends' perfume.Auric Blends ★ The Product Auric Blends is a manufacturer of fine fragrance products including perfume oils, perfume solids, incense and, new to their collection, candles, and soaps. Auric Blends believes that fragrance products can enrich their customers' lives through enhancing their sensory experience. Fragrant candles create a warmth on cool autumn or winter days, incense can bring a subtle or strong aroma to any environment and can aid in relaxation and meditation. And perfume, doesn't everyone know the power of perfume? It can make you feel strong, sexy, playful or sensual, whatever it is you are looking for. ✓ All natural ✓ Seductive, feminine and enticing ✓ Alcohol-free✓ Long lasting scent"
1 week ago
1 week ago