Black Fabric Clothes Tie Dye Including Tan & Charcoal Grey Dye Kit (Tye Dye Kit). 3 Pack Tie Dye Kit with 6 Refills, Soda Ash Included. Black Fabric Dye, Create a Trendy Monochromatic Look.
Product ID: 368858940
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Black Fabric Clothes Tie Dye Including Tan & Charcoal Grey Dye Kit (Tye Dye Kit). 3 Pack Tie Dye Kit with 6 Refills, Soda Ash Included. Black Fabric Dye, Create a Trendy Monochromatic Look.
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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews
Rajesh P.
Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.
2 days ago
Ayesha M.
The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.