PRODUCT DESCRIPTION :Parallel Miner- XTENDED 36" VERSION CONNECT MULTIPLE POWER SUPPLIES: 4-PIN INTERCONNECT SYNC CABLEOne of the unique features of our breakout boards released in 2018 is the ability to connect multiple power supplies together in such a way that the power button on one breakout board will trigger the power button on all power supplies synced together.CONNECT MULTIPLE POWER SUPPLIES TOGETHER WITH THE CHAIN SYNC CAPABLE BREAKOUT BOARDS :This interconnect sync cable allows you to sync two or more power supply units with our X6B, X7B, X11, X12, X15, X20, ZSXBRK, and ZSX-AMP breakout board X-Adapters. Our patent-pending Chain Sync feature is accomplished by connecting the interconnect cable from PSU 1 to PSU2, PSU 2 to PSU 3, and so forth. The cable is approximately 36 inches long.DIRECTIONSAffix the breakout boards to the power supplies.Plug in the power cords to the PSUs.Check the state of each breakout board; turn all of the boards off.Attach the interconnect sync cable to the breakout boards: left slot of PSU 1 to left slot of PSU 2, right slot of PSU 2 to left slot of PSU 3, et cetera.Connect all other cables to the breakout boards and your mining equipment.Press the power button and commence mining!
3 weeks ago
1 month ago