Size:25 pcs How do I use DTF Transfer products? DTF Transfer is accomplished using DTG PreTreat Sheets and DTF Transfer Powder.Two printing modes1.You can either print in COLOR, for transfer to WHITE textiles, br>2. you can print 1 layer of COLOR then 1 layer of WHITE, if you're transfering to DARK / BLACK textiles.Advantages of using DTF1.DTF Transfer allows for transfers to dark shirts (due to white DTG ink) - something regular heat transfers can't do2.DTF Transfer result in more breathable prints, smooth to touch, and flexible - something regular heat transfers can't do 3.DTF Transfer do not requiring cutting out the image on the transfer - something regular heat transfers can't dowhat benefits does DTF Transfer have over regular DTG? 1.DTF Transfer eliminates the need for PRETREATMENT! No more extra pretreatment / chemical steps for your dark shirt prints DTF Transfer allow you to get your printed images to2.MANY MORE materials and substrates (Lycra, cotton, nylon, swimsuit fabrics, high-elasticity fabrics, chemical fiber or shoes , hats, bags etc)
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