Just Soak in water for 3-5 minutes and wear around neck, forehead, or wrist. 1. Ideal for All Outdoor Activities(Cyclying, Golf, Camping, Climbing, Fishing, Hunting, Hiking, Gardening, Jogging,...)2. Can be used in high temperature work-space(Construction sites, Driving, Welding, Painting, and various industrial fields)3. Can be even a First Aid Application(Migraines, fevers, bee stings, sprains, etc)4. Color: Green5. Size: 35" inches long by 2" inces wide 6. Until all water is evaporated, cool bandana scarf keep you cool. Once all water is gone, just soak in water again. How to Use: 1. Soak in water for 3 - 5 minutes and Make the crystals are evenly distrubed during hydration process. (Do not leave it in water over 5 minutes. It is non-toxic material, but too much hydration make your bandana life shorter)2. Wear around neck, forehead, or wrist. In fully-hydrated, your Ice Cool Bandana will make you keep cool for several hours without ice or rehydration. ( Before wearing, put your bandana in a Freezer for 5 munites. IT WILL BE COLDER!) 3. For cleaning, rinse off with a couple drops of shampoo. 4. Once all water is evaporated, dry it completely and keep it in airy place.
1 month ago
3 weeks ago