A FOUR Volume (5 disk) set: Sun style Tai Chi Chuan Presented by Tim Cartmell Here is an extensive explanation and exploration of the Tai Chi of Sun Lu Tang. Tim Cartmell is an internationally recognized expert on Chinese martial arts, a jujitsu tournament champion and a well-known translator of Chinese martial texts. He is also a particularly precise and well-spoken instructor. This series actually has FIVE DVDs in four volumes. The first will get you ready for the set, as it includes postures, warm ups and general principles of the art, a very good presentation in its own right. Next Mr. Cartmell explains the entire Sun form. He does this with extremely clear and detailed instruction. He also shows the postures "loaded" where he uses pressure and pushing to demonstrate the correct skeletal alignment for proper Tai Chi. Finally he demonstrates applications and his own throwing techniques explaining every posture and its application to self defense. Tim is a competing martial artist and comes to the mat with a martial attitude and the precision of a personal trainer.
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