Single frequency 80m-10m end-fed half-wave linear antenna provides antenna. It is designed as a highly portable wired antenna that can easily be set up as an inverted-V, horizontal, tilted or vertical radiator (in the case of higher frequencies). Your feeder is basically balanced, so there is no need for a separate feeder. The high impedance half wave line is matched to your 50 ohm feed point via an integrated impedance matching toroidal transformer and is rated for 10 watts. Using a high voltage capacitor with a specific radiator length on the primary of the transformer further expands and reduces the SWR in the range of 80m-10m. It is designed to be used without a tuner. After optimizing the driving components, the standing wave ratio of any part of the frequency band is ≤1.2. 1. Impedance: 50 ohms
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