Description Looking for a completely unique bouquet idea for your wedding? Why not try those burlap bouquet instead of traditional route? This stunning bouquet encompasses rustic charm and delicate elegance. The bouquet combines burlap, shimmering rhinestones, classic pearls and ribbons into this gorgeous floral arrangement. Features - Color: As the picture shown. - Material: Burlap, pearl. - Size: About 20 * 20 * 10cm. - Combines burlap, cotton fabric bouquet, shimmering rhinestones with classic pearls. - Perfect for all your wedding decor, wedding DIY ideas. - A wonderful alternative to real and will last forever. They are designed using a combination of fabric satin with pearls in the center. - Color: As Shown. Package Including 1 * Rustic Wedding Bouquet Burlap Bouquet Lace and Pearls
2 weeks ago
1 month ago