Use a Lastwave badge as an accessory to displays a special accomplishment, or define a lifestyle. A badge also stands as a symbol of authority, a sign of legitimate employment or student status, or as a simple means of identification. What will you use it to display? About Lastwave Pin badges are used as a fashion accessory, to display accomplishment or show a level of authority. A colorful, standout item like a badge draws the eye & will more often than not be a conversation starter. We at Lastwave offer an array of services to help you create a badge that’s perfect for you! We have focused our range & we hope you find a pin badge that suits your needs. Customize Your Badge Create a personalized badges suitable for any occasion at Lastwave. Photos and Texts can be added according to your choice. You can also email us your design, text or image, along with your order ID. We will do the needful to see a smile on your face and the ones around you.
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