"SOULURNS - Beautifully Handmade & Handcrafted Engraved Wooden Urns for Human Ashes Adult, Wood Cremation Urns for Ashes, Wooden Box, Funeral Urn Box Large Urn" to Share Your Loved Ones Remains Among Family and Friends As A Loving Remembrance. This a true piece of art designed with love to preserve the memory of your loved one. These beautiful Wood Cremation Urns are handcrafted and each Urn is unique to give your loved ones remains the superior quality they deserve. Made from handcrafted Solid Rosewood to make sure the remains of your beloved rest in these durable cremation urns. Every time you, Your friends, and your family see their urn, you will see a fitting tribute to the one you love and they lived and you shared together. FEATURESDIMENSIONS: 9.5 x 6 x 5.25 Inches | Inner Dimension - 8.46 x 5.4 x 4.62 InchesDESIGN: Border Engraved Economical Rosewood UrnSIZE: LargeWEIGHT - 1.2 KilogramHOLDING CAPACITY - 200 Cubic InchesCOLOUR: Brown, Light Brown, Dark BrownORIGIN: India
2 months ago
2 weeks ago