With Clear Shake, treat yourself to a refreshing and fruity new high protein 1 experience ! Lightweight and transparent, Clear Shake is an innovative water-soluble whey protein isolate far from traditional whey milk ... So what is Clear Shake? A high-quality Clear Whey powder with the Lacprodan label , an isolate with a unique, non-creamy texture, unlike the usual protein isolates: the perfect alternative for those who want to supplement their protein intake without straining their stomach! Without sugars, fats, aspartame or preservatives, the minimalist formulation but rich in proteins of Clear Shake (96% of proteins) guarantees you the essentials to achieve healthily your goals and to ensure the maintenance and the muscular development 2 without superfluous additives: more than 20g of proteins, ie 1/3 of the AR 3 in proteins per dose 5g of BCAAs + 3g of glutamine Low in lactose Only 88 Kcal Natural dyes Tasty fruity flavors
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