Aka is a perennial shrub. The height of this plant can be up to 2.5 meters. Its leaves are flat and oval. The leaves are as thick as banyan leaves. There is no need to plant this plant, it is a nature’s gift. Which occurs on sandy land during summer. It dries up during rainy days. There are two species of this Ayurvedic plant, one of which has Calotropis Procera (Purpale-flowered) which is used to overcome various types of health problems and the other Calotropis gigantea (white-flowered) which are very rare. Its fruits are like mangoes from which soft smooth cotton comes out. Milk comes out in its branches. This milk serves as poison. But some of its miraculous benefits also have a special effect on our body. Aka plant rich in medicinal properties is also used for worship. There is a misconception in the general society about this plant that the plant of Aak is poisonous, it kills humans. There is definitely some truth in this because in Ayurveda codes it is also counted in the sub-subjects. If it is consumed in excess, then man can die due to vomiting or diarrhea. Conversely, if Aak is consumed in an appropriate quantity, in a proper manner, under the supervision of a clever medical practitioner, it is a greater benefit in many diseases.
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