Look under your thumb and share! A playful tool for a serious discussion. We live in a diverse world. Some differences are visible, like skin color, gender, height or weight, physical challenges and age. Others may not be visually apparent, but still affect how individuals feel or are treated: ethnicity, socio-economic position, orientation, , use or non-use of alcohol, allergies, intellect, depression and other emotional diseases. The Diversity Thumball is a fun training tool that tackles a difficult topic with smarts and sensitivity. Thumball is a soft 6" stuffed vinyl ball that looks like a cool soccer ball and has 32 panels pre-printed with questions suited for adults and teens. Toss it around in a group and ask participants to share their reaction to whatever prompt lies under their thumb. Diversity Thumball questions: 1. When did you first become aware of racial/ethnic differences? 2. Share a situation when you were in the minority 3. Describe a time you witnessed discrimination 4. Your best experience with a person of a different race/ethnicity 5. What makes you different? 6. How do your thoughts about diversity differ from your parents’? 7. Describe a time you experienced prejudice 8. Where do you see prejudice? 9. How do you respond to jokes that are demeaning or derogatory? 10. A time you felt like an outsider and how you dealt with it 11. An instance when someone went out of their way to make you feel included? 12. A time you went out of your way to make someone feel included? 13. A time you shared an unpopular idea 14. Describe a time you felt lonely in a big group of people 15. Why do you seek out people similar to you as friends? 16. Do you feel your friends are more similar or dissimilar to you? 17. Which would be harder for you: looking different or feeling different? 18. A behavior you e
2 months ago
2 months ago