Coriander is the seed of the herb most Americans know as cilantro. It is native to Europe and Western Asia, but it has been naturalized and widely cultivated in North America. References to coriander can be found in Sanskrit writings as far back as 5000 B.C.E., and the seeds were found in Egyptian tombs as far back as the 21st Dynasty. Dioscides believed that ingesting it could heighten a man's sexual potency. In fact, many cultures believed it to be an aphrodisiac, and it was a main component in love potions up through the Renaissance. Coriander seed has been used to settle upset stomach in herbal traditions around the world, it is often combined with cardamom, caraway, fennel, and/or anise. Traditional Chinese medicine used the seeds, usually in the form of a infusion, as an aromatic carminative, and used as decoction and gargle for toothaches. In magick, Coriander is ruled by Mars and the element of fire. Often this seed is used in love sachets and potions. It has also been used for healing (especially headaches) and taken by pregnant women to ensure the future of their children. Keywords: Love, health and healing
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