This KDSG Night Vision Headmount Assembly provides hands-free use with many night vision devices (NVD). It comes with a secure and reliable fully-adjustable head-harness. Comes with Small, Medium, and Large Brow Pads. This unit is compatible with many NVDs such as PVS-7B/D, PVS-14, ITT NightQuest PVS-14/6010/6015, Night Enforcer NEPVS-14, Night Enforcer NE 220, 222, ATN 6015, ATN 6010, NQ 6015 and NQ 6010. (May require an adapter such as the J Arm for some models. Adapter not included.) NOTE: PVS-14 will need J Arm for this headmount to work.
4 days ago
1 week ago