Organic Nature Dry Green Peas ( Hara Matar ) मटर|Green Matar||Vatan (Dry Green Peas)| Totally natural, no added colors or preservatives, Pulses is a natural source of Protein for vegetarians and vegans, besides other Vitamins and Minerals.Pulses sourced from farm level.and No artificial polish or coloring agents use in the process.Processed, cleaned and hand-picked in our own facilities, no part of the process is outsourced.and No artificial polish or coloring agents use in the process.Zero foreign matter or dust or infestation, Each pack has correct weight and lowest moisture possible so consumers do not pay for water.Hygienically packed Green Peas which is free from impurities such as weevils and stones.Tastes delicious and rich in fibre and protein.Peas are good source of iron and enhance skin health. it helps to lose that adamant weight and improves eye sight.* Green peas are one of the most nutritious leguminous vegetables rich in health benefiting. Organic Nature "Quality That You Feel"
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