PRAISE FOR THE NEW YEAR RE-SOLUTION PROGRAM This book is an incredible gift! I have never seen a more thorough compilation of practices, recipes, and explanations that are simultaneously inspiring, transformative, and safe for home use. -KATE SCHWABACHER, AYURVEDIC CONSULTANT AND YOGA TEACHER This is an exciting program! In his New Year Re-Solution, Noah Volz presents a clear, well-researched pathway to health and balance through Ayurveda. His mixture of traditional and modern theory and practice comes from personal experience, the best kind. The 14-day program is easy to grasp, and there are great recipes for healing foods. Those who make the Re-Solution are sure to take great benefit. -KATE O’DONNELL, AUTHOR OF THE EVERDAY AYURVEDA COOKBOOK In a world of fear of disease and misperception of health, Noah Volz stands out in Re-solution with his comforting voice of support and as a discerning director of true personal change. The tried and true vision of Ayurveda has been eloquently translated and assembled by Volz to provide any willing human with guidance to re-establish their unique optimal health. Most notably presented are the options for food choices, herb selections, and flexibility in daily regimen, not only for one’s constitution and current imbalances, but for what Ayurveda terms as Satmya. Although not defined directly in this book, Satmya is a concept used to identify one’s habits, cultural tastes, and available local-seasonal options. Often in Ayurvedic ‘cleanses’ followers are not given much room for their personal likes and dislikes. This rigidity allows only such clients that have no natural or learned taste for “Indian” flavors to give up and leave the beneficial practice of a seasonal reset due to lack of flexibility. Re-solution on all levels is tending to the needs of the follower while giving permission and making room for one to own their own personality and work with their closely held sensual loves. Knowing Noah Personally, I can attest to his attention to details, keen perception, warm heart and sensitive touch. His compilation and presentation is a resource for all levels of seekers of health who are choosing the Ayurvedic paradigm as a path to establish themselves in true health known though a practical experience of enthusiasm, satisfaction and joy. -BALARAMA CHANDRA DAS, AYURVEDIC PRACTITIONER AND YOGA EDUCATOR Re-solution is not a diet. It’s not deprivation and it’s not fasting. It is an opportunity to find a Real Solution (Re-Solution) to weight gain, brain fog and fatigue. It provides step by step instructions using the advanced and ancient science of Ayurveda to make your New Year’s Resolution a reality. Start your year by getting your sparkle back and waking up in gratitude with bright eyes and a blissful belly by joining the Re-solution revolution.
3 weeks ago
3 days ago