All Sikhs who have taken Amrit were commanded by Guru Gobind Singh at the Baisakhi Amrit Sanchar in 1699 to wear a small comb called a Kanga at all times. This was one of five articles of faith, collectively called Kakars that form the external visible symbols to clearly and outwardly display ones commitment and dedication to the order (Hukam) of the tenth master and become a member of Khalsa. The Kanga is an article that allows the Sikh to care for his or her unshorn long hair called Kesh. The Kanga is usually tucked in front of the “Rishi Knot” and tied under the turban to help in keeping the rishi knot firm and in place. It is to be used twice daily to comb and keep the hair in a disentangled and tidy condition. It represents the importance of discipline and cleanliness to the Sikh way of life and is used to keep the hair healthy, clean, shining and tangle-free.
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