UNBELIEVABLE VALUE FOR MONEYWHAT YOU WILL LEARNHow To Strum In Perfect TimeThe 30 Most Played RhythmsThe Most Played Chords - (Including Players View)How To Change Chords FastYour Favourite Songs - In 3 StepsFor thousands of people this is "The Ultimate Teach Yourself Guitar Book". It helped them to Learn Faster - Easier & More Efficiently than any other teaching method. Inside is the most Complete, Individual & Personalised program of guitar lessons you will ever find. BETTER THAN A GUITAR TEACHER250 Pages Of Superbly Illustrated playing lessonsOver 200 World Class Playing Tips & SecretsPractice Programs That WorkTeach Yourself or Others in Private & Group LessonsCompliments All Song Books & Teaching MethodsYOU'LL SEE YOURSELF IMPROVING EVERY DAYAll your practice is pre-planned from start to finish. That is The Key To Your Success. It also helps you to achieve in weeks, what took many people years to learn.Yet this is A Simple Book. Clear, Practical, & Easy To Follow. The author, Pauric Mather has crafted each lesson so well, You Need No Knowledge Of Music Whatsoever to learn from it. Everything is Superbly Explained - and shown to you exactly as played by top guitarists.
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