Colour:1112 Mint Green ✅✅ Please contact us first if your bag received has any defects or any questions after using, we would resolve it ASAP and send your a replacement or refund according to your request. ❤ For Travel ✅ The bag could be foldable into smaller size when not in use, but not extra small bag is included, unfolded as extra bag for souvenir or clothes when travelling leaves room for valuables in your suitcase, or used as a carry-on with decent size to fit under an airline seat or in the overhead bin in case you are overweight for a checked bag. ❤ Creative Use More Than Travel ✅ Gym Bag or Sports Bag Great to stash your workout clothes, running shoes, water bottles, towels or sports gear. ✅ Camping Bag Great to hold a couple days of clothes, sunscreen, first aid kit, toiletries, water bottle, towel, snacks, and wet weather gear all in this bag. ✅ Beach Bag Ideal to take to the beach, since you can easily fit a towel, sunscreen, snacks, and other beach necessities inside. ✅ Gear Storage Simply store your camping gear, clothing, or any other items in your closet or under your bed. You can fold or twist it into any shape you want, making it fit nicely into whatever space is available.
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