The art of living on a budget sometimes gets a bad rap. It’s often confused with penny-pinching and can seem very limiting to outsiders who are lucky enough to observe their fiscally-responsible friends’ financial precautions. But no matter on which side of the budgeting table you sit, you need to throw out any negative associations you have with the word budget — thrift, economy, scraping, penury — and replace those loaded concepts with three new ones: awareness, communication, and accountability. Your parents may have taught you the basics about money and budgeting, but they never said it quite like this. What Your Dad Never Taught You About Budgeting is a laugh-out-loud book about a very serious topic: budgeting. Today’s economic climate, as well as ever changing technology, presents unique challenges in developing effective money habits. Pete the Planner teaches some old school money lessons, yet with a modern and easy to understand comic twist. You will have a good time when you finally find out What Your Dad Never Taught You About Budgeting.
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