Thirty-Six Stratagems is a collection of the essays on strategies from Book of Qi (ca. 479 - 502 AD) that were used in Chinese ancient warfare. The collection is believed by many Chinese as authored by either Sun-tzu from the Spring and Autumn Period, or Zhuge Liang of the Three Kingdoms Period. However, most historians believe that the Thirty-Six Stratagems was originated in both written and oral history, with many different versions compiled by different authors throughout Chinese history. Many of the most frequently quoted Chinese idioms are derived from this collection. Some of the examples are: #2 Ji: 圍魏救趙 - Besiege State of Wei to Rescue State of Zhao #3 Ji: 借刀殺人 - Kill with someone else's Knife. #10 Ji: 笑裡藏刀- Conceal a Dagger in a Smile. #13 Ji: 打草驚蛇 - Beat the Grass to Startle the Snake. #15 Ji: 調虎離山- Lure the Tiger out of the Mountain (tiger's stronghold). #16 Ji: 欲擒故縱 -To Capture the Enemy, First Let It Go. #18Ji: 拋磚引玉 - Toss out a Brick to Attract Jade (for great value). #31 Ji: 美人計 - Use a Beauty to Ensnare a Man. The honey trap. Beauty Trap
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