birdsnature- premium seed nuts mix large parrot food was developed by expert to ensure your pet gets the proper nutrition. premium seed nuts mix parrot food contains probiotics and prebiotics to support digestive health.this food is rich in natural antioxidants for general health and immune support plus contains pieces to support skin and feather health. birdsnature understands that sharing your life with a small pet is not only enjoyable but very enriching. birdsnature shows our love by ensuring we provide your small pet with the best nutrition for a long and healthy life. it’s no wonder why birdsnature is at the heart of every healthy feeding routine. birdsnature premium seed nuts mix, a premium, vitamin-fortified food that is formulated to provide the proper nutrition your pet requires. we’ve blended the quality select seeds and grains together and topped it off, that make feeding time exciting, tasty, healthy and fun. omega 3’s to support brain and heart health enhances skin & feather health for vibrant, healthy plumage prebiotics and probiotics to support digestive health naturally preserved for ideal freshness.
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