15x MAGNIFICATION POWER : Nice level of magnification and good Depth of Field (DoF). GLASS OPTICAL MAGNIFIER : Achromatic Triplet Lens Gathers Light for a Bright, Clear and Color Correct View. GLASS TRIPLET : the gold standard, are made of 3 lenses, where every lens refracts (bends) the light passing through the glass. Different wavelengths (color) of light are bent at different amounts and the combination of the 3 lenses results in one lens engineered so that the light coming in is corrected to that the light coming out (making the lens achromatic correct). METAL BODY : The loupe frame and lens barrel are all flat matte black to prevent interference from reflected light. UNIVERSAL FOLDING LOOP : Great for rocks, minerals, jewelery, coins, sharpening, stamps, part inspection and other intents and purposes. The BelOMO 15x Triplet Jewelers Loupe Magnifier has a viewing area of 0.38" (9mm). The large 12.7mm (.5") 3 elements lens making up this achromatic triplet gathers lots of light to provide a bright, clear, and color correct view. The 15x power magnification provides strong magnification with a fair depth of field ratio. The 15x magnification is much stronger than the most popular 10x power but not as strong as the BelOMO 20x Quadruplet Loupe Magnifier. But be sure you need this much magnification. The housing and cover have a matte black finish for gem grading. BelOMO loupes are assembled using screws rather than rivets which allows them to be adjusted. Belarusian Optical and Mechanical Association (BelOMA), makers of telescopes, camera lenses, and other optical components manufactures these loupes. The loupes are optical quality lenses, each one inspected and certified just like a camera lens, that stand on their own against the higher priced competition.
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