An exotic blend of Tulsi, black tea and classic chai spices.Stress Relieving Energizing Abundant in antioxidants Powerful adaptogenContains CaffeineTulsi, black tea, and chai spices make the perfect exotic chai that stimulates your senses and soothes your soul. Add milk or nondairy milk and a touch of sweetener for a delicious authentic India experienceThroughout India, Tulsi is considered The Queen of Herbs and is revered as a sacred plant infused with healing power. Traditionally grown in an earthen pot in every family home or garden, Tulsi (also known as Holy Basil) makes a delicious and refreshing tea that possesses wonderful health benefits that support the body's natural immune system while relieving the body's negative reaction to stress. Tulsi's remarkable lifeenhancing qualities, noted repeatedly in ancient Indian scriptures dating back 5,000 years, are now here for you to fully enjoy. NamasteOrganic India is committed to responsible packaging. The tea package carton is made from 100Percent recycled paperboard, with a minimum of 30Percent postconsumer content. Please recycle again. Our tea bags are made from unbleached, biodegradable fiber.At the heart of ORGANIC INDIA is our commitment to be a living embodiment of consciousness in action. We work with thousands of family farmers in India who cultivate thousands of acres of organic farmland. ORGANIC INDIA actively promotes sustainable agriculture and pays a premium market rate to our farmers. All our products promote wellness and are certified organic. Each product you hold in your hands is one link in a chain of love, respect and connectedness between our farmers and you. By choosing ORGANIC INDIA you are completing this chain, which gives training and a living wage to the Indian farmers, creates a sustainable environment and brings happiness and well being to you.
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