Missing strong beaten coffee that is rich, creamy and has just the right taste and aroma you love? Does beating instant coffee powder and sugar seem like a chore that is time consuming? With ITC Sunbean Beaten Caffe Strong, instant coffee paste, you can be sure to have your favourite strong beaten coffee for those late night study sessions or afternoon meetings, or long-awaited family gatherings. Enjoy perfectly whipped cups of strong beaten coffee that is rich, creamy, frothy with a distinct taste and aroma – a dream come true for every strong coffee lover. The ready-to-use strong instant beaten coffee paste gives you a consistent great coffee experience in every scoop vs just plain instant coffee powder. Have it any which way you like it - hot beaten strong coffee, homemade strong cappuccino, latte, cold coffee or dalgona coffee, effortlessly with Sunbean Beaten Caffe Strong. For your favourite Strong beaten coffee, Scoop 1 spoon of Sunbean Beaten Caffe Strong in a cup. Add 1 cup hot milk. Stir and enjoy creamy and frothy cup of hot beaten Strong coffee. For a chilled cup of cold coffee, take 1 spoon of Sunbean Beaten Caffe Strong, add few drops of hot water & mix or microwave for 10 seconds. Top it up on a glass of cold milk, stir and enjoy creamy and tasty cold coffee. No need to store in a refrigerator. Place in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. No added preservatives.
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