ATTENTION: AS of 2-17-23, NOW 4 Times More Vitamin Fortified Feed in the Mix! (Same Price) REVIEWS, We read them! Now, 71.4% Vitamin Fortified Mix Feed & 28.5% Corn. Made In the USA. ½ cup per turkey per day or more. Great for young poults and adult turkeys. For best results, dispense when ground is dry or a dry forecast for a couple of days. The corn brings them in, they’ll then have access to a vitamin fortified mix, added calcium, probiotics, and added grit to improve overall flock health. All natural, no hormones, non-medicated, no antibiotics, no animal proteins or animal fats. Minimal calcium within pellet crumbles to keep baby turkeys from eating too much calcium (.80-1.3%), but added oyster shells, coral calcium pieces and limestone pieces outside of pellet crumbles to give laying hens the needed calcium to improve eggshell thickness (3.5%). Keep turkeys wild and foraging. A healthy flock needs to cover large areas foraging constantly. Spread this product out widely where you have seen turkey scratches or birds in the area, they'll find it and have an option for extra supplement. (It's not healthy for wild turkeys to stay in one spot all day, droppings, etc..they need to move on. Don't worry, they'll be back. They won't forget where they found a good snack.) Keep Dry – if put into feeders, keep dry, metal feeders can tend to sweat with the changing of temperatures. ATTENTION - We do not treat our feeds with chemicals, We rotate feed and our feed is obtained not long after being in the fields.
1 month ago
1 week ago