Cass Creek ergo spring gobbler electronic game call is compact and has an ergonomic grip. With one hand push button operation, this game call is easy to use. The Cass Creek ergo spring gobbler electronic game call features real live turkey calls. The sounds are high quality and effective to ensure you call in the turkey you want. The ergo spring gobbler electronic game call has five calls on one unit, auto interrupt feature, and a handy on/off and volume thumb dial. Operates on 3 AAA batteries (included/installed) and comes with a convenient belt clip. Spring yelp - a high pitched series of two yelp call a gobbler to mate. Purr- soft, subtle call of a contended hen used to convince the gobbler those last few yards. TREE yelp/fly down - soft morning wake up yelps accompanied by real wing beats as hen leaves the roost. Fighting purr - aggressive/agitated toms sparring for dominance: often triggers a hung up gobbler to come in. Jake gobble - the sounds of an immature gobbler chal
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