Tiny LILY OF VALLEY sends up its lovely little sprays of bell-like white or pale pink flowers each spring. Allow it to spread a little and it will perfume the whole area with its DISTINCTIVE SCENT. Lily of the valley may be the easiest plant you'll ever grow It also makes ADORABLE BRIDAL BOUQUETS used for weddings and in the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton As the plants grow, the roots spread and will eventually crowd out weeds and most other nearby plants. Over time, just a few plants will become a LUSH CARPET OF GREEN. From spring to fall, lily of the valley will keep landscaped areas looking neatly maintained with little or no attention. Suitable planting locations include shady or partly shady areas under trees or shrubs, steep banks and uneven terrain where it’s difficult to maneuver a lawn mower, and derelict areas where few other plants will grow. DEER AND RABBIT RESISTANT. Lily of the valley prefers shade and moist soil. In sunny or dry conditions, its leaves will brown. It can easily become invasive, so it's smart to put it in an area where it will be difficult to spread too far, such as a blocked in by a driveway or sidewalk. Can also be used on slopes to control erosion This MOISTURE-LOVING PLANT forms a spreading mass with red seed pods remaining after flowering, which makes lily of the valley ATTRACTIVE AFTER BLOOMING and very CAREFREE. NO PRUNING or WINTR CARE NEEDED It’s the BIRTH FLOWER OF THE MONTH OF MAY, the time of year when lily of the valley is most often in full display. Lily of Valley is also the floral emblem of Yugoslavia, and is Finland’s national flower. In Christian mythology, lily of the valley is said to have sprung from the ground where the Virgin Mary’s tears fell during the crucifixion. The attention to Christian mythology is what earns the plant its nickname, “Mary’s tears. Alternatively, the plant is said to have sprung from the ground when Eve weeped for being kicked out of the Garden of Eden.
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