The lock-n-load classic kit deluxe represents the most complete single stage reloading package Hornady offers. (Can load pistols or rifles). features:- lock-n-load classic single stage press - lock-n-load powder measure - digital scale - Hornady handbook of cartridge reloading - three lock-n-load die bushings - primer catcher - positive priming system - handheld priming tool - Universal reloading block - chamfering and Deburring tool - powder trickler and Funnel - one shot case Lube - die Bushing 3 pack - sure-loc lock ring 6 pack - powder measure stand - shellholder pack 1, 2, 5, 16, 35 - Kinetic bullet puller - lock-n-load oal gauge straight - vintage tin sign - pistol rotor & metering Assembly - steel dial caliper - free vintage tin sign included with purchase
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