Dr. Clo is an FDA-registered Class 1 Hospital Grade disinfectant product designed to provide airborne protection, which creates a shield against bacteria and viruses. The patented nanotechnology works continuously for up to six weeks in an effective coverage area of approximately 10 sq. m, leaving no chemical residue in the air or on surfaces. Dr. Clo is made for millions of people who are threatened by germs and viruses and for those who want to protect their loved ones. Dr. Clo’s patented technology has been developed with R&D support from the Korean government and its sterilizing power has been verified by Japan’s Hygiene and Microbiology Research Center. Products from Dr. Clo are 100% vegan and made with natural ingredients, avoiding the harmful toxins found in many households products such as other disinfectants, sanitizers, and deodorants. Dr.Clo Sterilization and disinfectant sticks get activated upon cracking of the stick. After which the chemicals inside react and form a medical-grade chlorine dioxide. With our Patented nano filters technology Dr.Clo slowly releases the chlorine dioxide into the room/area in a controlled manner allowing it to disinfect the room for 30 to 45 days effectively and safely. The Chlorine dioxide gas destroys the outer membrane of the bacteria and virus, causing the virus to become unable to grow at its core, Dr.Clo produces no residues and leaves no trace of the virus/bacteria in the air nor in the water. Eliminating 99.9% of viruses and microorganisms (99.9% effective sterilization, 99.8% effective deodorization based on controlled clinical studies of Chlorine Dioxide)
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