Leatherman Heritage Super Tool 300 is a most popular with replaceable wire cutters, extra-long blades and more comfortable handles. Includes a classic leather sheath made in the USA. Super Tool was an industry first full-size, all-locking tools in a 4.5 inch size. The 300 continues its legacy with the strongest, most comfortable set of tools in the line. includes a leather sheath. It includes needlenose pliers, regular pliers, premium replaceable wire cutters, premium replaceable hard-wire cutters, stranded-wire cutters, electrical crimper, wire stripper, 420HC knife, 420HC serrated knife, saw, awl with thread loop, ruler (9 in | 22 cm), can opener, bottle opener, wood/metal file, phillips screwdriver, large screwdriver, medium screwdriver, small screwdriver.
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