Perfect handmade wooden heart shaped plaque for someone special. - Packaged in transparent sleeve - Size: Approx. 10 x 10 cm - Suitable For: Family Gifts, Friendship Plaques, Friend Gifts - Includes thin rope for hanging - Made from 4 mm Polywood best friend gifts / gift for him/ gift for her / love gift / i love you gift / I love you / best friend plaque / best friends plaque / braver than you believe / butterfly gifts / / colleague gifts / colleague leaving gifts / colleague plaques / colleagues made us friends / decorative hearts hanging / friend gift / friend plaques / friend plaques colleagues / friends photo frames / friends plaque / friends presents / friendship gifts / friendship gifts for women / friendship hearts / friendship plaque / friendship plaques / gift thank you / gifts for best friends / good friends photo frame / good luck gifts / good luck plaque / hanging good luck / hanging heart / heart plaques with quotes / home signs / leaving gifts / leaving gifts for colleagues / leaving presents for women / love wooden sign / manta makes chance / personalised wooden plaques / quotes plaques / signs and plaques / thank you gift / thank you gifts / thank you gifts for best friends / thank you gifts for women / wooden plaque / work colleague gifts / work colleagues plaque / friendship gift / wooden plaque / wooden sign / heart sign / friend gift ideas / best friends gift ideas / best friend gift / wooden plaque / plaque / wooden heart plaques with quotes / plaques with quotes / best friend plaque gifts / love plaque / i love you quote / love quote / love wooden heart quote / love wooden heart sign
4 days ago
3 days ago