The candid combination of personal experience and doctor-to-doctor advice in this book helps readers interested in non-clinical careers for physicians navigate the five phases of their physician career change: introspection, exploration, preparation, acquisition, and transition. A FEW OF THE 60+ QUESTIONS ANSWERED: 1. How did you decide what you wanted to do? 2. What are my options outside of clinical practice? 3. What medical specialties are in highest demand? 4. What resources are available to explore non-clinical options? 5. What job titles are the ones for physicians? 6. How much money can non-clinical physicians make? 7. How did you network? 8. What questions did you ask during a networking call? 9. What skills transfer well to a non-clinical job? 10. How can I "beef up" my resume? 11. Should I get an MBA? 12. Is geography and willingness to relocate an issue? 13. What should I emphasize in an introductory letter? 14. What should I emphasize in my resume? 15. What do you look for when interviewing an applicant? 16. How did you know that you were making the right decision? 17. How did your family react? 18. How did your colleagues react? 19. Did you have to take a pay cut? 20. How did you know you were choosing the right job? 21. In what ways do physicians struggle after transitioning? 22. What have been the biggest surprises since your transition? 23. Looking back, what would you do differently now? 24. What advice do you have for physicians considering a career transition? 25. Do you feel like you wasted all that training? Please also visit Physician Renaissance Network at for comprehensive information about non-clinical careers for physicians, physician career change, physician consulting, and physician entrepreneurism. FROM THE AUTHOR: In 2001 I did something deemed unthinkable by my peers; I left my plastic surgery practice to begin working in a non-clinical career, medical communications. At first I knew nothing about the large number of non-clinical careers for physicians, or where to find out about them. Most importantly, I did not know any non-clinical physicians working in these industries. Going through a physician career change was completely foreign territory Now, as co-owner of a medical communications company, I am exposed to various types of non-clinical careers for physicians and speak with many clinicians who are interested in their own physician career change. Although I once considered myself an anomaly, I now have a better sense of the growing number of physicians in non-clinical careers and the endless opportunities available. I wrote this book and speak about physician career change and non-clinical careers for physicians to help others avoid the obstacles I faced. BACK COVER: "Physicians are used to linear career paths, formalized educational programs, and textbooks. Our careers typically progress through a predictable series of decision points, each complete with a road map for the next several years and a bibliography of recommended reading. Stepping out of a clinical career path can open up an endless set of options with no road map - a seemingly daunting proposition for the physician mindset." EXCERPTS: "I felt stuck for so long, as though I had spent most of my life moving in the wrong direction. I was frustrated with myself. How could I become so trapped?" "Leaving clinical practice was like finally breaking the surface and emerging into the sunlight after holding my breath under water for years." "My career transition was liberating. For the first time since starting medical school, I was extremely excited about my future career path. Interestingly, medical communications would draw upon my knowledge from the past. Leaving clinical practice would not mean that my past efforts in medicine would be thrown away. I was not going to be "wasting all those years of training."
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