“I’m too fat.” “I MUST be successful.” “I’m scared.” “It’s because when I was a kid…” “Daddy is never home.” We all have frameworks we’ve built for ourselves throughout life. Ways of being. Of believing. Glasses through which we see life. Whether positive or negative, they shape our whole being and affect our daily lives. From being unsatisfied at home or in a relationship, to impressions left with us from childhood, we constantly live out of lives through these lenses we create in our mind. In Mindshift, Drs. Marty Lerman and Samuel Kupper seek to take the reader on an experiential journey to show how simple changes in perception, a reworking of the way we see through our own lenses, can create drastic positive change. Read about how one woman conquered cancer, how a veteran came home and now lives without the lasting effects of war, how kids no longer suffer from ADHD, and more. If these people can create these kinds of changes in their lives with just a simple shift of the mind, imagine what you could do. Your mind is powerful. Harness it. Shift.
1 month ago
1 month ago