This electronic book on three CD-ROMs provides an encyclopedic collection of documents, images, and videos on UAVs and UAS - unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned aircraft systems, plus remotely piloted vehicles and drones. Every system from every federal agency is covered: DoD, Army, Air Force, Navy, NASA, NOAA, and Homeland Security. There are 40 video clips, along with 47 high-resolution image files in JPG format, and over 100 individual PDF document files. UAS vehicles covered include: MQ-1 Predator, MQ-9 Reaper, RQ-4 Global Hawk, RQ-170 Sentinel, Raven, Shadow, Pioneer, Fire Scout, Piccolo, ARM platforms, Swarming UAVs, Hummingbird, WASP, BAMS, Buster, Finder, Global Observer, ER/MP, Onyx, Dragon Eye/Swift, Neptune, ScanEagle, Silver Fox, TACMAV, UCAS, and more. There are military reports and documents, including UAS-UAV-Unmanned Systems Roadmaps issued in 2009, 2005, and 2002; GAO reports; budget and planning documents; research reports and study papers, training material, and more. Contents include: AATD Army Applied Technology * Accelerating The Kill Chain 2007 * ACQ MIL UAS Systems Documents * AFSOC UAV USAF * Air Force Strategic Vision 2005 * Air Force UAS * Air Force UAV * Airspace Integration Plan For Unmanned Aviation DOD * ARL ARMY SLAD * ARM UAV * ARMY UAS * Beale Global Hawk * CCRP UAV * CONOPS * Creech AFB * Creech Squadron * Defense Science Board Study * DHS CFO 2009 * DHS Plan 2010 * DHS Sheet 2009 * DHS UAS * DOD UAV Reliability Study * DOD UMS Integrated Roadmap 2009-2034 * DOD UAV * Drone * Eglin 46TW * expendable RPV Study Paper * FAA Unmanned Regulatory Issues * Flight Dynamics Of An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle * GAO Defense 2009 * GAO Recon 2007 * GAO Report MS2 * GAO UAS 2005 * GAO UAS 2006 (2) * GAO UAS 2007 * GAO UAS 2008 * GAO UAS 2009 * GAO UAV 1999 * GAO UAV 2004 * Homeland Security OIG Dec 2005 * Homeland Security OIG Nov 2009 * Homeland Security UAS PLAN * HOOD UAV (9) * Integration Plan * Interoperability Profile * JCS Training 2009 * JUAS Center Of Excellence * JUAS Center * Marines UAS * Maritime NAVAIR * MICRO UAV * NASA Piccolo * NASA UAV * NAVY Advisory Report On Unmanned Vehicles * Navy Fire Scout UAV * Navy Pioneer UAV * Navy Platforms * NAVY Safety Crew Management * NAVY UAV Overview Brief * Nellis Mobius * NELLIS UAS * Nellis UAV Battlelab * NTSB Forum UAS * NTSB Uas Forum * Pesky Critters * Predator And Global War On Terror * Predator And Reaper * Predator News * Spectrum Management Study Paper * Swarming UAS Research Paper * UAS DOD * UAS Flight Plan 2009-2047 * UAV Budget * UAV Logistics * UAV Navair * UAV Operations * UAV Roadmap 2002-2027 * UAV Roadmap 2005-2030 * UAVS Genetic Weapons * UCAS COS Industry Day * UCAV 1 * Unmanned Systems Compendium 2009 * Unmanned Systems Roadmap 2007 * USAF 1 * USAF Advisory Board On UAVS * USAF Facts UAVs * USAF Global Hawk 2 * USAF Global Hawk Story * USAF UAV * Weaponized UAV Integration Study Paper * WPAFB ASSF * The latest roadmap states: "Force Structure. UAS continue to be a vital asset to the Joint Forces Commander giving them the ability to maintain long-term vigilance over the battlespace, but also giving them immediate strike capability if presented with an enemy high value asset (HVA). It is this combined effect that has and continues to be a force multiplier. UAS, in some missions and scenarios, can be an alternative to manned aircraft performing similar missions with lower risk to the aircrews. Reputation. UAS continue to improve on their reputation as a reliable and invaluable partner to the Warfighter, as evidenced by the almost insatiable need for full motion video (FMV) and ISR information grows exponentially. UAS have saved countless lives, providing the Warfighter with evidence that IEDs have been planted on convoy routes, warning troops of ambushes, assisting troops in contact.
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