The Survival Tabs contain 100% of the U.S. RDA of 15 Essential Vitamins & Minerals. Made with the highest quality protein which is essential in survival situations where your body needs to assimilate as much as possible from what you eat. With most the food we eat 30%-60% of the calorie content leaves the body unused. The Survival Tabs have such a highly concentrated formula that 99% of their calorie content is absorbed by the body with 97% of the protein content being available to repair or replacement of muscles, nerves, etc.SHELF LIFE AND SUSTAINABILITYWe have samples of The Survival Tabs that were produced in 1974-75. They have been stored at room temperature. We test them periodically and have found little, if any, deterioration or loss of vitamin or food value. Our results showed negligible loss in these areas. Freezing temperatures will have no effect at all on these tablets.We would estimate the shelf-life for The Survival Tabs to be 25 years, but suggest rotating them to ensure maximum food value every 2-3 years.NUTRITIONTwelve 3.9 grams of The Survival Tabs contains: Fat 25%, Protein 9%, Carbohydrates 58%, Iron 18 mg. (as Ferrous Fumarate), other minerals, 2% (from milk solids), and the following vitamins in percentages shown of their USRDA adult allowance. There are approximately 20 calories in a 3.9 gram The Survival Tab.Vitamin A........ ..... 5,000 I.U...... ...100%Vitamin D........ ..... 400 I.U. ...........100%Vitamin E.......... ... 30 E.I.U. ..........100%Thiamine (B1). ..... 1.5 mg. .............100%Riboflavin ... ..........1.7 mg. ............100%Niacin ... ...............20.0 mg. ..........100%Pyridoxine (B6)..... 2.0 mg. ............100%Folic Acid ... .........0.4 mg. ............100%Vitamin B12 ... ......3.0 mg. ............100%Vitamin C ... ..........60.0 mg. .........100%Package Includes:- 4 x 180-tab Bottle.
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