The item no paper instructions, please download the PDF file, and before buying please read the file: number: MD-D1021/24V, Version 2.0 (from December-22, 2017 change to Version 2.0, Version 1.0 we used a relay as a ON/OFF switch, version 2.0 changed to Ultra low impedance MOSFETs). Mount type: panel mount. Suitable battery: 24V. Rated current: 30A.To protect electronics from damaging low voltages and prevent a deep discharge of a battery during an extended power outage, the LVD module will automatically disconnect the battery when the voltage falls below the user adjustable cutoff voltage. When power is restored the Smart Switch will automatically reconnect the battery. thereby protecting the battery from total discharge (helping to prolong the life of the battery).Applications include: Solar systems, Alarm systems, UPS systems, Mobile systems, Or any application where you need to protect the battery from total discharge.Features: Programmable voltage setting for Disconnect and Reconnect. Red-green LED indication for relay switch ON and OFF. Panel mount or DIN rail mount types selectable. DIN rail mount version can support width 35 / 32 / 15mm rails.
1 month ago
2 months ago