A Billion Reasons to use Ionic Minerals. Every Second of every day your body relies not only on a select handful of vitamins and minerals but the full periodic table of ionic minerals and trace elements to conduct and generate billions of tiny electrical impulses. Without these impulses, not a single muscle, including your heart, would be able to function. Your brain would not function, and the cells would not be able to use osmosis to balance water pressure and absorb nutrients. Balance in everything Balance is particularly crucial when it comes to minerals and trace elements. Sourced from the pristine North Shore of the Great Salt lake, the concentrated mineral brines contain the full spectrum of minerals and are richer in some including Magnesium, Selenium, Lithium and Boron which are vitally important to human health. This natural form source provides the full spectrum of minerals and trace elements in a form and balance compatible to human needs. Add CMD to your basket today and restore your bodies minerals and trace elements and feel your best again!
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