If you are not satisfied with the item, we will send you a free replacement or you will receive a refund. Question: Modern smartphones already have an extremely hard surface, which is another tempered glass? It is true that the modern displays are very hard, yet small scratches are formed over time, for example, by sand grains, keys and other hard objects. A BANNIO tempered glass screen protector is the optimal solution in this case. Q: Can I remove the tempered glass at any time and keep marks from the film on the smartphone? There are absolutely no marks on the display. If you want to remove the tempered glass again, then you can make it easy by gently lifting it with the fingernail on a corner and slowly pulling it up. Package Includes: 2 pieces Bannio iPhone12 Pro/iPhone12 tempered glass. 1 installation frame. 2 alcohol wipes 2 microfibre cloths 2dust extraction stickers 1 detailed installation instructions and warranty card BANNIO: Focus On Life
5 days ago
3 days ago